Runa Simi seeks to follow Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, therefore, evangelism hold a prominent place in every area of their ministries.

Train and Multiply
Using the “Train and Multiply” technique in Quechua, pastors and leaders are able to learn simple, basic Biblical truths and theology. The materials are easy to understand and provide practical lessons for daily life.

Women's Ministry
Runa Simi seeks to value women and treat them with the love, respect and dignity that Jesus did. Runa Simi seeks to empower women to recognize their status as children of God and to live fully into their gifts and abilities.

Children and Youth Ministry
Runa Simi has incorporated a thriving children’s and youth ministry into their ministry because they believe that children are to be cherished and valued.

We combine fitness with Bible studies, devotionals, centering on peer support to achieve total wellness. Runa Simi also sponsors many different medical teams that come from North America.